Thursday, January 21, 2010

No-Spend January, Week 3

Just as I brag about how I'm starting to get the hang of things, Week 3 of No-Spend January comes and knocks me on my feet.

First off, Haiti happened. Regardless of the pact I made with myself and with you lovely readers, I honestly could not sit and not give. I sent $50 to Mercy Corps. If you haven't yet, I encourage you to do the same. It's definitely not too late, and later donations are even more important. Most people forget about these natural disasters weeks later, but it will take years to recover. The people of Haiti could still use your help! Make sure you are donating to a reputable charity - I suggest Mercy Corps or the American Red Cross, but there are lots of smaller, grassroots organizations that do good work. Here are ratings for agencies working in Haiti from Charity Watch.

Secondly, my lovely friend Lindsay got engaged and we needed to celebrate with champagne and delicious food! $20 to hear stories of love and share happiness with friends? Sounds like a bargain to me. Read about Cicchetti, the fabulous place where this party happened, in my friend Shelby's blog.

So $70 spent, but all for good things. Can I keep it together for the rest of the month? Stay tuned to find out!


  1. Thanks for that charity list. I gave to Compassion -- glad that they go an A!

  2. Life happens - don't beat yourself up too bad.
