*My absolute favorite Earth Day freebie (did it last year) - trade in any cleanser bottle (full or empty) for a FREE full sized Origins facial cleanser! Only on Earth Day (4/22). You have to fill out this form in advance, and I'd recommend going early before all the supplies run out!

*FREE coffee or tea at participating Starbucks on April 22nd when you bring in your travel mug!
*FREE coffee at Whole Foods when you bring in your travel mug, too! Check your nearby store to confirm they are participating.
*FREE eco-friendly workshops at select Home Depot locations!
*Lowe's is also celebrating Earth Day by giving out a million FREE trees on Saturday (4/23)! See if your nearby Lowe's is participating. While you're there, make a FREE birdhouse with the kids at 10AM with the Build and Grow program.
*The best way to celebrate Earth Day is in the great outdoors, right? FREE entrance to all national parks!
And don't forget - celebrate Earth Day by doing something good for the planet! Take a shorter shower, turn off your lights, turn down your heat (or AC, if you're having better weather than me!). Maybe even hug a tree!
Happy Earth Day!
Another suggestion: bike or walk to work.